week I went to a thanksgiving Mass for a newly ordained permanent deacon from
Kikaikelaki. Deacon Marcel was ordained in Birmingham, UK where he has been
living for the past 14 years. His wife and kids were with him to celebrate.
I've gotten used to the Cameroonian accent so much that it was odd hearing his
family (especially the kids) talking with a UK accent. There are no permanent
deacons in this part of Cameroon, so they kept having to explain it to
everyone. Since we've had permanent deacons at my parishes back in the States
for so long, I was a bit surprised at the reaction and lack of knowledge here.
made me think of things that we take for granted or assume are the same
everywhere. We think that the way things are where we are is the way things are
everywhere. Most of the time it's subtle things like "common
knowledge" or even things like stereotypes. I've had to ask people here to
explain things to me that they take for granted that everyone understands, and
I've had to explain other things in return. I've learned that some idioms do
not translate well across cultures. So it was a little weird when I was back in
California this summer and didn't have to worry about that.
spent most of the school break at home in California. I had a great time
especially spending time with my family, even made a road trip out to Colorado.
However, I'm glad to be back in Cameroon and Tatum in particular. School is
starting this week... secondary school at least. The TTC will start later.
spent a good portion of the past two weeks in Kumbo. The Hornes (the LMH
family) have settled in at SAC and there are 2 other Americans there with them
this year -- Sarah and Alex, they came to Cameroon through their philosophy
professor at Univ. of Colorado Boulder (same as Ilan 2 years ago). Also went to
Bamenda for a one day get-together with all the other LMH/MDA groups that are
now here in Cameroon. It was a strange feeling to be the "senior" in
the group since I'm the one who has been here the longest.
year I'm continuing to teach Form 1 English Language which I started mid-way
through last year. That's in addition to Form 2 English Language and Form 1, 2,
& 3 Computer Studies. Plus I've been asked to work as the school secretary.
(Oh, and I'll still be teaching Music in the TTC.) Looks like it will be a busy